Category: Rajashree Goswami

Battle of the AI Tech Giants: Has Apple Outperformed Google and Microsoft?

By Rajashree Goswami | August 9, 2024

Modern AI tech giants are battling for dominance among a rapidly growing industry. Beginners like OpenAI are carving out a…

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Consent and Transparency in Big Tech: Lessons from Italy’s Antitrust Probe into Google 

By Rajashree Goswami | August 8, 2024

At a time where personal data is one of consumers most valuable commodities, how tech giants handle user consent is…

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Premortems in Project Lifecycle: A CTOs Project Management Playbook

By Rajashree Goswami | August 6, 2024

In a high-stakes project management playbook where the margin for error is slim, the ability to anticipate and address risks…

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Ethical Reverse Engineering: A Growing Imperative for Software Integrity 

By Rajashree Goswami | July 31, 2024

Reverse engineering often carries a reputation for being a shady activity, evoking images of hackers unearthing secrets from encrypted code.…

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How to Evolve from Being a Leader to a Technocrat? 

By Rajashree Goswami | July 29, 2024

In the fast-evolving realm of technology-driven enterprises, leadership has taken on a new dimension. No longer confined to traditional managerial…

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The Art of Vetting Information in Technical Leadership

By Rajashree Goswami | July 28, 2024

In technical leadership, where decisions can shape the future of organizations and industries alike, the ability to discern reliable information…

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Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs. GPT-4.0: Who Wins the AI Showdown?

By Rajashree Goswami | July 25, 2024

In the perpetual race towards AI supremacy, Anthropic has unveiled its latest innovation: Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Positioned as a formidable…

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Common Management Myths That Could Sink Your Startup 

By Rajashree Goswami | July 24, 2024

Amidst the fervor of startup culture, there exists a pervasive belief that flattening hierarchies fosters innovation and agility. However, as…

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Bolster Data Integrity Amid CERT In Warning on Google Chrome Vulnerabilities 

By Rajashree Goswami | July 24, 2024

In a stark alert issued by the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), the cybersecurity world has been shaken by…

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Transforming Text to Video: How OpenAI’s Sora Can Help in Product Storytelling 

By Rajashree Goswami | July 17, 2024

The text-to-video AI market has experienced remarkable growth and is anticipated to expand significantly, potentially reaching $0.9 billion by 2027,…

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