
04_Sept_CTO_How CTOs can benefit from The ‘OODA loop’ business model

How CTOs Can Benefit from the OODA Loop Business Model

In the ever-evolving, fast-paced business landscape, the ability to make rapid and effective decisions is paramount. One such valuable tool that has gained recognition for its efficacy in decision-making is the OODA Loop model.

According to reports, the OODA loop model was developed in the mid-20th century by the military strategist, US Air Force Colonel John Boyd. The OODA Loop represents the four essential steps: Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. It was initially used to train soldiers to make time-sensitive decisions rapidly. The goal of the strategy was to execute operations more quickly than an opponent in order to infiltrate and disrupt the enemy’s decision cycle.

In this article, we will explore the concept of the OODA model and its benefits.

OODA model – Understanding the decision-making cycle

The concepts behind the OODA loop can be applied across all business functions, including sales, marketing, customer success, engineering, finance, and more.  For CTOs and other business leaders, the OODA loop can serve as a key competitive advantage when applied as a template for quick and accurate analysis. The objective is to expedite time-to-action and gain a competitive advantage by disrupting your opponents’ decision cycles.


The process begins with observation. It involves actively seeking and absorbing information and data from the present environment. This includes observing market trends, customer feedback, competitor activities, or any other relevant data sources, such as human behavior. The quality and comprehensiveness of the observation can significantly impact the effectiveness of the subsequent steps in the OODA Loop.


In the orient phase, the gathered information is processed, filtered, and interpreted. It involves assessing the relevance and significance of the data, understanding how it fits into the larger context, and identifying potential opportunities or threats.

During this step, situational models can be created to define imagined outcomes. Whether the orientation results match reality (and how well they perform) depends on the quality of the observation. 


In this phase, the path forward is defined, using the information analyzed during the orient phase to make informed decisions. The approach involves risk assessment, consideration of available resources, and selecting the best approach to achieve the intended objectives. All of this can be accomplished through meetings or discussions that are focused on creating a roadmap for the entire organization.


The final stage is action, where the decision is implemented. It involves executing the chosen course of action swiftly and effectively. This step might also include any testing that is required before officially carrying out an action, such as compatibility or A/B testing.

The four phases of the OODA Loop—Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act—are interconnected in a continuous process. Completing one OODA Loop initiates a new cycle. This model ensures that this decision-making process adjusts to changing situations. The connectedness of these phases can help CTOs assess challenges and respond rapidly.

Advantages of the OODA Loop

In a rapidly changing market, the OODA Loop has many advantages, including:

Systematic information-processing framework: The OODA Loop model streamlines and expedites the decision-making process, allowing leaders to assess complex situations and generate swift responses.

Adaptability: It offers leaders multiple options for adaptation in the face of evolving circumstances. It ensures that organizations are not just responsive but also proactive in adjusting their strategies and tactics.

Competitive edge: The OODA Loop can be a game-changer for organizations. By adhering to this information-processing framework, leaders can consistently outpace rivals in the decision-making and action-execution processes.

A real-world example of a business successfully employing the OODA loop model 

Blockbuster vs Netflix

In the early 2000s, both Blockbuster and Netflix rented DVDs to consumers. However, their responses to changing consumer behavior were drastically different.

  1. Observe — Netflix noticed an increase in internet usage among consumers
  2. Orient — Netflix identified the internet as a potential platform for delivering content and brainstormed ways to make its DVD library available online
  3. Decide — Based on the popularity of YouTube and other streaming platforms, Netflix decided to focus on creating a streaming service
  4. Act — Soon, Netflix launched its streaming service with over 1,000 films available on-demand

Sears vs Amazon

  1. Observe – Amazon noticed an increase in internet usage among consumers
  2. Orient – Amazon identified the internet as a potential platform to drive business
  3. Decide – Based on the popularity of the internet, Amazon focused on expanding their product offerings.
  4. Act – Soon, Amazon rebranded itself with a new logo to celebrate its growing profitability and its official transition to an ‘everything store.’ 

In the unpredictable realm of business, the OODA Loop stands as a beacon, guiding leaders through challenges with clarity and foresight. While some giant companies faltered in the face of change, the other players have thrived, by embodying these principles. In essence, the OODA Loop is more than a strategy; it’s a mindset for resilience and growth, essential for any leader aiming to chart a triumphant course in a constantly shifting marketplace.

In brief

The OODA Loop was originally developed to win wars on the battlefield. Later, it was applied broadly across various business sectors to solve daily critical problems, create new opportunities, adapt to changes, and remain competitive long-term. 

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Gizel Gomes

Gizel Gomes is a professional technical writer with a bachelor's degree in computer science. With a unique blend of technical acumen, industry insights, and writing prowess, she produces informative and engaging content for the B2B tech domain.