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Should You Be Testing the Waters of Enterprise VR?

Commercial use of virtual reality (VR) garnered worldwide attention with the Oculus Rift back in 2016, leaving the door open for enterprise VR to weasel a foot across the threshold. AR/VR are no longer just buzzwords relegated to gaming – these immersive technologies have gained significant traction in various sectors from education, healthcare, retail, and beyond.  

But when is it ultimately beneficial for your org to embrace something as ground-breaking and unfamiliar as VR? When does this venture become a costly distraction rather than a strategic investment?

Join us as we navigate this exciting terrain, examining the considerations, challenges, and opportunities that come with integrating these immersive technologies into the fabric of modern businesses.

Evaluating possibilities for enterprise VR in your organization 

Start with the most basic questions when approaching a new innovation. This tech trend might be a gaining attention for future applications, but does the current offering align with your business model and objectives? Examine your organization’s goals to see if there are areas where enterprise VR could potentially enhance services or improve processes.  

Next, consider your target audience. Understanding the preferences of your target consumers and their readiness for VR can help you determine its potential for success. Lastly, look at the resources required for implementing VR–from hardware and software to training and maintenance. Is your organization equipped to handle this investment, and does the potential return justify the cost – especially considering the robust stack and infrastructure investment needed to optimize VR.

Technological requirements of VR 

Enterprise VR is not a plug-and-play solution, and may require significant changes to your existing IT infrastructure. Current VR solutions demand high-performance hardware, powerful processors, and graphics cards to deliver realistic experiences.

Depending on the scale of your VR project, you may be looking at a full infrastructure upgrade to support the new tech. Creating VR content typically involves specialized design software. You may also need to integrate VR platforms with your existing systems, which could require custom software development for functionality.

With a huge upfront investment, measuring the success of your VR engagement would prove to be ultimately difficult. Even if you begin using VR technology, it’s challenging to assess the value it has on your business– which is necessary if you want to make an informed decision about its future in your organization. 

Measuring the success of enterprise VR and AR

Start by defining what success looks like for your first AR/VR initiative. This could be tied to specific business goals such as increased sales, improved engagement, or enhanced operational efficiency. 

Next, identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with these goals. For example, if your objective is to improve client engagement, relevant KPIs might include time spent interacting with your AR/VR solution, number of return visits, or positive feedback received. 

In addition to these quantitative measures, consider qualitative feedback from users and stakeholders. Surveys, interviews, and focus groups can provide valuable insights into user experience, identifying areas of success and highlighting opportunities for improvement. 

Remember, measurement should not be a one-time event but an ongoing process. Regularly review your KPIs and adjust them as necessary to reflect changing objectives or market conditions. 

In brief 

Deciding to incorporate enterprise VR into your tech strategy is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration, a willingness to step outside your comfort zone, and a commitment to fostering innovation. In the end, whether you decide to dive into the world of AR/VR or stay on the shore will depend on various factors. But one thing is certain–exploring the potential of AR/VR is a journey worth considering. 

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Jena Hodgson

Jena is a seasoned expert in creating compelling B2B content who built her career at various tech startups, marketing agencies, and corporate enterprises. As a "digital trendsetter," she leverages her analytical and creative skills as a contributing writer for CTO Magazine where she reports on tech trends and innovations in the workplace.