Top 10 Tech Subreddits CTOs Can Follow for Industry Insights
The Power of a Fractional CTO for Startups & SMEs
Green Cybersecurity is Our Path to a More Sustainable Future
Accenture and Adobe to Co-Develop Industry Specific Generative AI Solutions
Key Insights From Shopify’s Revenue Growth and the $8 Billion ARR Milestone
The Future of Blockchain Technology in 2025 and Beyond
Top AI Podcasts to Develop ML Mastery in 2024

Book these IBM TechXchange Webinars in May 2024

These upcoming IBM webinars in May 2024 have a specific aim and includes subjects ranging from cloud computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity to tech leadership, etc. With compelling presentations, expert insights, interactive sessions, practical approaches, and well-thought-out activities, these webinars are worth the time for all attendees. Enterprise sovereign cloud capabilities with IBM Cloud for regulated…

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Look Ahead to these 13 Microsoft Events in 2024

Tech visionaries look toward mass gatherings, like Microsoft events as a metric for emerging technology, cutting-edge implementation, and facilitating peer connections. Every event is uniquely designed and covers various areas of interest, from AI to cloud and everything in between. If you want to expand your tech knowledge, create connections, and push the boundaries to…

Google’s Gemma AI sets out to democratize open-source models

The symbiosis of algorithms and human experience gets stronger with Google’s new AI protege, Gemma. This open source, advanced model wields transformer architectures to understand and produce human-like language. But what is so unique about Gemma compared to other AI models, and how can it revolutionize the way organizations approach technology and AI?   Google’s…

Should You Be Testing the Waters of Enterprise VR?

Commercial use of virtual reality (VR) garnered worldwide attention with the Oculus Rift back in 2016, leaving the door open for enterprise VR to weasel a foot across the threshold. AR/VR are no longer just buzzwords relegated to gaming – these immersive technologies have gained significant traction in various sectors from education, healthcare, retail, and…

2024 Cybersecurity Trends to Guide your Annual Forecast

Considering 2024 cybersecurity trends should bring significant feelings of unease, dread, and triple verification checks. The threat landscape is evolving just as fast as the risks are being mitigated – and for CTOs – the safety of the org lies in precarious balance.  Looking down the barrel of the year, how can you begin to…

The 2024 US Election Guide: Where Current Candidates Stand on Technology

Against a global backdrop of diverging economic trends, evolving regulatory imperatives, intense geopolitical uncertainty, and highly sensitive elections in the U.S., 2024 is poised to be a year of both heightened risks and opportunities for tech companies and investors alike. The key themes to monitor revolve around navigating complexity, embracing uncertainty, and emphasizing the importance…

A Guide to Developing KPIs for Direct & Indirect Reports

In the cascading waterfall of management, developing KPIs with realistic, business-focused outcomes are crucial for org-wide effective leadership goals. Aligning KPIs with both direct and indirect reports is a critical aspect of effective management. Yet, as digital transformation continues to move at lighting speed, many leaders are stuck in traditional metrics that may not accurately…

Unpacking Controversy Around the Ripple CTO & XRP Crypto

There’s rarely a day that goes by where cryptocurrency news does not err on the dramatic side. Take, for example, the ongoing buzz around Ripple, the blockchain payment platform, and its creator and CTO, David Schwartz. The headline grabbing story is turning heads among CTOs and investors alike, sparking deep conversations around risk profiles, managing…

Navigating AI and Human Creativity for the Future of Work

As radical technological development redesigns the future of work, CTOs are confronted with the task of navigating the distinction between AI and human creativity.  While AI is becoming increasingly smart and capable of performing tasks that were previously thought to be done by humans solely, the associated relationship between AI and human creativity has led…

Go Digital: How to Optimize Content for Mobile Consumption

Whether it’s to communicate, consume content, or conduct business, professionals are glued to their mobile devices. For tech leaders, this means one hard truth – you need to optimize content for mobile. A skyrocketing shift toward mobile consumption of all media presents both a challenge and an opportunity. It calls for a rethinking of traditional…